Vineeth Kumar Gattu
Principal Materials Scientist
Chemical and Fuel Cycle Technologies Division
Argonne National Laboratory
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Dr. Vineeth Kumar Gattu joined Argonne in 2014; he worked as a resident associate, postdoctoral researcher, and currently as materials engineer in the Chemical and Fuel Cycle Technologies Division. He specializes in the metallurgy, electrochemistry and corrosion behavior of multiphase materials; nuclear fuel cladding, steel/Zirconium-based waste forms, and alloy/oxide composites. He developed an electrochemical method to formulate and measure the performance of single and multiphase materials under controlled solution redox conditions. Upon identifying the industry needs, he leveraged the expertise gained working with multiphase alloy waste forms to understand the corrosion behavior of medical devices. Additionally, he is working on ideas to diversify and establish interdisciplinary programs to address corrosion issues in various fields using expertise he developed in nuclear materials corrosion.
At Argonne, Dr. Gattu serves as the divisional representative for AET/NTNS Diversity & Inclusion Council. He is working on the mentoring and climate-change survey committees. He is also the Secretary for the American Nuclear Society (ANS) Chicago Section. He organizes dinner meetings at Argonne and promotes outreach events related to nuclear energy. He manages the ANS communication to the Chicago section members. Additionally, he is the program chair and Argonne liaison for American Society for Metals (ASM) Chicago chapter for the last three years. He organized dinner meetings, networking events, and annual ASM Chicago poster competition for graduate and undergraduate students from Universities in Chicago area.
Dr. Gattu holds a Ph.D. in Materials Engineering from the University of Illinois at Chicago and a B.Tech in Metallurgical and Materials Engineering from the Indian Institute of Technology (IIT) Roorkee